Call for papers
Papers are invited on the conference topics and related subjects. All contributions should be of high quality, original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period.
The conference proceedings will be published by IOS Press as book chapters in the Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) series, indexed in SciVerse Scopus, ACM Digital Library, DBLP, Google Scholar and Zentralblatt MATH, and in previous years in ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, CPCi (T-R decides on a year by year basis which conferences to index).
Papers must be submitted following the instructions found on the Submission of Papers page.
Papers for review for the conference must be submitted electronically in PDF form using the PROSE online submission and review system accessed from the web-site main menu.
To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the conference Programme Committee. Papers may be rejected without being sent to the reviewers if it is judged that they are not suitable for the conference on the basis of content, quality or length.
The papers will be scheduled for presentation either orally or by poster, depending on their attributes, author preferences and referee recommendations. Please note that poster presentations are regarded as being of equal importance and status to oral presentations.
Outstanding papers will be invited for publication as full papers in special editions of various journals.
The deadlines for the submission of papers, registratiom, etc., can be found on the Dates and Deadlines page of the website.
All oral and poster papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee.
By submitting a paper you undertake that if it is accepted, you will register for the conference, pay the fee, attend the conference and present the paper.
By submitting a paper you also indicate that you accept the conference Terms and Conditions, available by request or on the conference web site, and that you agree to abide by them.