KES-AMSTA-13 New Directions in Agents Research Workshop
The New Directions in Agents Research Workshop is a one-day event taking place during KES-AMSTA-13 conference, giving both early career stage and more senior researchers the opportunity to present their work.
Work-in-progress papers on all topics relevant to the scope of conference are invited from research students (doctoral and masters students) and others wishing to bring their work to attention of the research community.
Presentation and Publication
Accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters during the conference and made available as web publications in a volume of Advances in Smart Systems Research in the KES Open Access Library (KOALA), making them widely accessible to the research community. They will not be included in the IOS proceedings.
Submission and Review of Papers
Papers for the Work in progress workshop must be formatted according to the instructions to be found .. here ..
Papers (guide length 4-6 pages) should be submitted via the PROSE online submission system available .. here ...
Papers must be uploaded as PDF documents for review. If accepted, a full set of publication files must be provided.
Papers will be subjected to an appropriate level of review and accepted or rejected on the basis of quality and relevance to the conference.Publication Files
When the PDF copy of the paper has been accepted you will receive an email asking for the publication files.
At this point the following files are required:-
-- A full set of word-processor files for the camera-ready paper, in MS Word or LaTeX,
including all image files necessary to fully reproduce it
-- A PDF copy of the full paper, made from these source files, with all comments and page numbering removed
-- A summary of the paper, about 100-200 words in length, as a TEXT file.
Authors may choose to register for the full conference, or to only register for the day of the Workshop at a reduced rate.
Each paper to be presented at the workshop must have at least one author who has registered and paid the fee.